welcome to the web fundemantals submissions

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Main Things to focus on


What you need to focus on :

  1. When you are using a div , always make sure to close the div. this applies to every html tag and or element, except for a few inline statements like the break line or horizontal line tags.
  1. You are probably asking yourself this: is closing the div more important than linking the CSS and JS files? YES! the DOM is so powerful that it never shows you these thing as actual errors. Validate your HTML(MAYBBE), Or just be careful. Careful is good.
  1. HTML is so powerful. don’t over do it, and the answer to what ever you are thinking about is don’t think about it.
  1. having neat indented HTML is beautiful. it sometimes leads to a neat well written code in js if you stop crying about it.
  1. So, Like I said before, if you do the HTML correctly from the start, you won’t face problems, again related to HTML.
  1. don’t over do classes and id’s, make sure that you get this point before moving on to anything else within or in between.
  1. Visualize, beatify, DO.


So, the next step in the process is this. Beautify neatly.

  1. AAAHH, CSS. its a pain to deal with. Section out your blocks to no more than 4 big boxes that have small boxes inside(no matter the amount), then fan out the big boxes, and start dividing the small boxes from left to right or top to bottom based on your HTML. this is why it is so important.
  1. Hmm, I want to point out a point, funny like that. if you can’t keep up with your HTML , don’t write inline CSS. Or its more of a don’t write inline CSS at all.
  1. uh, should I use a pre-built library to build out my components? lets visualize this question, I’m Elon Musk, I am valued 197.7 billion dollar (02.03.2023), that’s it. if you think you are Elon musk at this level then go for it, but if you agree with the first statement then you should probably stick with the normal CSS format.
  1. Flex it uuuuup, or griiiiiiid ittt upppp!!
  1. I got a little too excited there, but sure, if you think flex-box can solve your problems (not a real life reference) then you should do it, but you can be right or wrong.
  1. resetting and normalizing your CSS is good practice, this way you’ll 100% make sure it’s not your problem IF you do it correctly.
  1. don’t use margins, padding, or position if you can’t use it correctly.
  1. Ahky so no more things to say right?


once you go Vanilla you can never go back! look it up.

  1. at this point, we shouldn’t be complaining right? JavaScript is great!(02.03.2023 just incase I ever change my mind.) and all the things we know at this point are the same information a kid learns in the first grade. when you have questions, google it. when you have doubts Chat GPT is your friend.
  1. don’t go straight to chatgpt just because you are not Elon and you most likely don’t have billions of dollars.
  1. logically think out your problem, it doesn’t necessary need alot of lines of code, or any thinking at all. but keep it logical.
  1. don’t forget to add commas , brackets , quotes, and use the proper syntax. this is where google comes in handy.
  1. be specific, use your own code, it doesn’t have to be unique , only because all the world had come up to your problem.
  1. allocate your code every step of the way using console.log.

And Good luck!